Anyone ever worn out a Whisker Biscuit?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
I did.... It finally got so weak and worn that I started getting fletching contact with the frame..... I guess the bristles are only good for a million or two shots.....
I can buy a replacement for $19.00, but I think I may try the NAP Apache rest for a while.... If it dont work out, I can always go back to the biscuit....

I shoot atleast 20 shots per day, 365 days a year..... No matter what.... I can shoot 18-yds without leaving the basement.... Unless the wife's Ford Explosion is in the way..LOL
I wore out one on a bow with the old WB's. Bought the rest when I got the bow, it was a High Country Supreme. If that tells ya how old it was! :D

Radar seems to really like the NAP Apache
I have had one on my bow for two years now and it is worn out! If you bump the arrow just a litte it will fall down into the bristles. It made it through deer season though! :D
nope still have my WB that came on my bow still shoots great no problems.Going on 4 years now.
RussellvilleRob said:
I did.... It finally got so weak and worn that I started getting fletching contact with the frame..... I guess the bristles are only good for a million or two shots.....
I can buy a replacement for $19.00, but I think I may try the NAP Apache rest for a while.... If it dont work out, I can always go back to the biscuit....

I shoot atleast 20 shots per day, 365 days a year..... No matter what.... I can shoot 18-yds without leaving the basement.... Unless the wife's Ford Explosion is in the way..LOL

Might look at a Tri Van...they are the best of both worlds in my opinion.
Rackseeker said:
I have been trying for years to wear one out and it hasn't happened yet.
LOL, me too, I have put a few through the ringer and they always snap right back for the next round! I truly love the Whisker biscuits, even the one on my Bow performs great too! ;)
Winchester said:
Rackseeker said:
I have been trying for years to wear one out and it hasn't happened yet.
LOL, me too, I have put a few through the ringer and they always snap right back for the next round! I truly love the Whisker biscuits, even the one on my Bow performs great too! ;)
I can't say as I've ever worn one out, but I notice the shafts don't fit as good as when they're new. I keep a fresh one one handy in case I notice a drop in performance. ;)