anyone shoot a nef pardoner

I have killed all my birds with a pardner 12 gauge and xx full accu-choke with win supreme high velocity #5 and #6. A heavy gun but I like it because I have killed a bunch of turkeys with it.

The main cons are its weight, and its black, which can rust easily so take care of it. Also the action has gotten "stuck" on occasion but not actually jammed up. For the most part it is a decent gun especially for the money. I have also used it for dove and squirrel.
catman529 said:
I have killed all my birds with a pardner 12 gauge and xx full accu-choke with win supreme high velocity #5 and #6. A heavy gun but I like it because I have killed a bunch of turkeys with it.

The main cons are its weight, and its black, which can rust easily so take care of it. Also the action has gotten "stuck" on occasion but not actually jammed up. For the most part it is a decent gun especially for the money. I have also used it for dove and squirrel.
when is gets stuck how easy is it to fix
striperhunter90 said:
catman529 said:
I have killed all my birds with a pardner 12 gauge and xx full accu-choke with win supreme high velocity #5 and #6. A heavy gun but I like it because I have killed a bunch of turkeys with it.

The main cons are its weight, and its black, which can rust easily so take care of it. Also the action has gotten "stuck" on occasion but not actually jammed up. For the most part it is a decent gun especially for the money. I have also used it for dove and squirrel.
when is gets stuck how easy is it to fix
I've had it get momentarily stuck after shooting when trying to shuck another round. I think it may be caused by the action opening when I shot, and then closing which would lock it. I'm not sure because it hasn't happened in a while. I was probably holding it funny causing the action to partially open after shooting. The gun does tend to do that, but it depends how you hold and fire the gun I guess. Like I said I haven't had any issues in a while.
striperhunter90 said:
think a brand new one is worth 200?
no I paid around $170 brand new from Wally. That was before tax and bg check fees of course. So I guess all fees and tax included $200 is a good price.
my son has one in twenty gauge with a primos tight wad choke shooting hevi #6 and it whoops the turkeys heads out 40 of course i polished the barrel and it shoots great for 180 bucks i used a couple of different colors of rattle can paint on it with a coat of flat clear coat and it looks and works great!!!
knightrider said:
my son has one in twenty gauge with a primos tight wad choke shooting hevi #6 and it whoops the turkeys heads out 40 of course i polished the barrel and it shoots great for 180 bucks i used a couple of different colors of rattle can paint on it with a coat of flat clear coat and it looks and works great!!!
I have been wanting to paint mine, do you need to do anything to prep the surface? primer or not?