anyone shot the diamond dead eye?


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
Anyone have this bow yet, or have shot it? Just courius on how ya,ll like it. I have a x force right now and believe I want to add a fast single cam to my collection without shooting a mathews. Nothing wrong with them, its just a rivelry between buddies! Thanks for any commits!
knightrider said:
ive never understood the forgiving thiing either you practice and can shoot or you cant

Farthest thing from the truth. Google the topic and it will help you understand. Brace height, grip, ata, draw cycle are all things to pay attention to when buying a bow.
Maybe I can help those of you who just don't understand the relationship between brace height and forgiveness.

An arrow travels on the string PAST the neutral point, or relaxed point of the string before it detatches from the string.

This means that after the "explosion" of the bow at moment of release, there is a SIGNIFICANT period of time that the arrow travels toward its target while STILL attatched to the string.

The farther AWAY BETWEEN the riser (at the contact point where the BOW hand webbing actually touches the bow) and the NEUTRAL position (bow string AT rest), the QUICKER the nock actually LEAVES the string.

THEREFORE this quicker detatchment from the string means LESS time for bow hand TORQUE...which KILLS accuracy...

102 said:
Maybe I can help those of you who just don't understand the relationship between brace height and forgiveness.

An arrow travels on the string PAST the neutral point, or relaxed point of the string before it detatches from the string.

This means that after the "explosion" of the bow at moment of release, there is a SIGNIFICANT period of time that the arrow travels toward its target while STILL attatched to the string.

The farther AWAY BETWEEN the riser (at the contact point where the BOW hand webbing actually touches the bow) and the NEUTRAL position (bow string AT rest), the QUICKER the nock actually LEAVES the string.

THEREFORE this quicker detatchment from the string means LESS time for bow hand TORQUE...which KILLS accuracy...


Yes...which if why most new bows come with string stops
Short brace heights have a longer power stroke , and is more influenced by grip torque . String stops reduce the forward travel of the bow string , but they do not reduce the power stroke . Set up two bows of the same cam design , but different brace heights and the longer brace height will be more forgiving .