Just curious to if you think they help quite one down any or make a difference in the way it shoots. I picked up a set today for $7 at the Uncle Lee's closeout sale. Going to try them on my Tenpoint Titan TL4.
I know on my Excalibur, they recommend a string stop called a S5 String Shock Sound Suppression System and something for the limbs. But they also say if it under 40 yards then they will never hear the string, who knows.
But for $7 you cant go wrong with trying them out, good luck and hunting.
I use them get them when they are on sale at Walmart I just picked up at set for 11 bucks if anything they will help with vibration and might save you splitting or cracking a limb
They WILL hear the string. Had 2 duck the string last year and thought "no way this thing is shooting like 39239483487732 fps! " Got on youtube and some guys have video of deer ducking the string shooting quieter and faster xbows than I am shooting.
Im still not sure what to do about it? Do I compensate and shoot extra low? Do I put a bunch of silencers on the xbow and hope it makes a difference?
In one year I had one duck the string and one jump the string on my compound bow! The one that jumped it actually landed on the arrow as it stuck in the tree right behind it. The next year with my Barnett crossbow I "skimmed" two as they ducked the string. The issue that is true of all of them is that they knew I was there. I don't think you can get a bow or crossbow fast enough for them not to move. What I do think you can do is do a better job being less obtrusive to the environment.