Anyone use the Magnus Stingers?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Southern Wayne CO and NW Alabama
I can't find any "bad" reports on these broadheads on the web. That is unusual. I intended on trying the Rage 2blade or Muzzy 2blade Phantoms this year. Then the more I read the more I don't want to use the Rage for fear they will open up in flight and I got to much money tied up in license purchases in other states to deal with that. The Muzzys are still in the picture as well.

Consistently, I read about the Magnus Stingers flying as true or better than field points and get huge blood trails. I can't settle on the 2blade or 2blade with bleeder blades (actually 4blade I guess) but most reviews I read say the bleeder blades increase blood.

I am 90% sure I'm going to order some this week to try but figured I would get some input here first to see what is said.
My wife uses the ones with the "bleeder blade". She has only been offered one shot since she started using them. She hit back on that deer and got liver, but the deer only ran about 80yds. The arrow had more blood on it than I have ever seen before, however the blood trail wasn't the greatest(but it was dark). So it did it's job for her. She will be using them again this year.
After trying all kinds of heads over the past 29 bow seasons, I tried the 4 blade 100 grain Stingers.

I was advised to use a cut on contact head because I decided to head North where the deer body sizes tended to run a little larger than their Southern counter parts.

Originally I was going to try the Steel Force but my pro shop was simply out of stock. I spied the Singer head and the rest is history.

Now, after a few years of tring the heads, and dozens of kills, I AM HOOKED!!!

But wait...there is more. MUCH MORE.

These heads are like NO OTHER HEAD in the WORLD that I am aware of. They come with a LIFETIME sharpness and replacement warranty.

After I killed a couple deer with a couple new heads, I was sitting around camp one day and got to reading about their warranty. I had a little time to kill so I called the company. I spoke with one of the execs. of the company who was VERY nice on the phone. He said the warranty covers ANY use at all with the head. I said I was VERY satisfied with the head but that I am not very confident in my re-sharpening skills. His answer...just send the heads back after you get done using them, for practice, or killing, or even "opening a can of paint" and we will send you a BRAND NEW Stinger (or whatever you send us) in return...NO CHARGE.

THis was a few years back. Since then, I have killed MANY deer, even a few OVER 240 pounds live weight, and sent back more than I can remember.

BUT WAIT...there is MORE...

Turns out this Company LOVES testimonials, complete with pictures and story. If you use their product, make a kill, send in a picture and they will send you a FREE Stinger cap, or t-shirt, or lapel pin. AND STILL REPLACE YOUR USED BROADHEAD FREE!!!

THis is absolutely the BEST archery accessory company I have EVER dealt with BAR-NONE.

I receive ZERO compensation for my endorsement of this company. It is simply a GREAT company with GREAT customer service.

The broadhead does fly VERY well in a well tuned bow. ESPECIALLY with 4 inch fletchings (feathers or vanes).

It is RAZOR sharp, accurate, and decent cutting width.

I still recommend the RAGE head or the R.M. Gator for hunters with little experience or DEEP pockets. They are a GREAT head as well. Just way too pricey for taking TEN shots per year on average.

Hope this helps.

They are really nice heads. If they break, send the broken head back to them, and they will send you another one to replace it.
The last dozen or so deer and the last three turkeys plus a squirrel have met their demmise with the 125gr four blade stingers. I am completely satisfied with them and the company. 102 is correct on everything he wrote. I'll add that when you send them back they do not waste time getting them back to you. Like go in the mail on Monday, open mail box on Thursday or Friday and pull out new broadheads. I'm sold having said that I'm trying the 125gr snuffer ss now, nothing at all wrong with the stingers jus a tinkerer.
They are a great head to use. Im shooting the stingers with the bleeders out of my omen and they fly true. I shot a few does last year with them and ditched the rages. And you cant beat their warranty. Good luck.