Archery shoot/tournament? Fentress/Scott?Pickett


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Oneida, Gods Country
Hey guys,
I am throwing a feeler out here to see what kind of interest there would be in a small archery shoot, or as big as it needs to be in the fentress, scott, pickett area? I am thinking of planning a archery shoot at a local park possibly. We are also thinking of having a Deer Scoring Seminar and a maybe discuss the new Wild Hog Regulations. How would you guys believe this would go?
My second question, we do not have the funds to pull alot of archery targets, does anyone know of any shops or local tournament groups that wouldnt mind coming out and possibly setting up and doing the archery shoot? I believe with hunting season right around the corner, how cool would it be to have a archery shoot in this area and on top of that get to see some big deer being scored! Nothing should get you pumped up about deer season like this. I would love for this to be as big as we can make it. We would love to have some outdoor shops come and advertise. I really dont know how sponsoring works, but it would be awesome to give some items away as door prizes. I figured cash prizes for the archery tournament. If anyone wants anymore information just send me a message and I will give you some details. I am yet to run this by my supervisor, but I believe if I can prove to him there will be a nice turnout, he would roll with it. Any help would be appreciated.