Well I took the plunge yesterday and bought some archery software. I bought the "OnTarget2" program. It's a bit complicated but I've kinda got the hang of it now. I got it for printing off sight tapes and for proper bow to arrow spine selection. Since I'm gonna be doing this stuff myself, I figured I might as well make dang sure I'm doing it all right. I done a lot of research on which one to buy and settled on the OnTarget2 because of the great reviews by normal folks. Especially the ones bragging on the accuracy of the tape printouts and the arrow spine selections.
Got a big surprise when I plugged in my bow's setup: the manufacturers spine charts are off...THUS explaining why I never could get the fatter target shafts to fly right out of my bow. I got it dialed in now and just went through a good selection of shafts that are ideal for my setup.
Just ordered a dozen of Victory V-Force 400 arrows. I went for the V3 instead of the V1s and out of my 3D setup it should be racking on at 282 FPS according to their charts and what I will have on it. And will be packing a really good spine.
Since I'm in a playing mood, if you guys want me to run spine checks on your setups and see which arrows are best for your exact setup....just give me a shout.
I'll need to know the following:
1. Bow Manufacturer & Model
2. Poundage YOU SHOOT
3. Your Draw Length
4. Your Arrow Length & Grain point you plan shooting
5. Whether it's for target or hunting
Got a big surprise when I plugged in my bow's setup: the manufacturers spine charts are off...THUS explaining why I never could get the fatter target shafts to fly right out of my bow. I got it dialed in now and just went through a good selection of shafts that are ideal for my setup.
Just ordered a dozen of Victory V-Force 400 arrows. I went for the V3 instead of the V1s and out of my 3D setup it should be racking on at 282 FPS according to their charts and what I will have on it. And will be packing a really good spine.
Since I'm in a playing mood, if you guys want me to run spine checks on your setups and see which arrows are best for your exact setup....just give me a shout.
I'll need to know the following:
1. Bow Manufacturer & Model
2. Poundage YOU SHOOT
3. Your Draw Length
4. Your Arrow Length & Grain point you plan shooting
5. Whether it's for target or hunting