Are these the same bucks?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hixson, TN.
I've been following the same buck all summer, a nice maybe 3.5 year old. I pulled cards today and I've got 2. I know the pictures are not great but are these different bucks?

You guys are great and I know someone can tell better than me.


This is the one I've been following.


Now I see this today. Is the first buck one of these two? Thanks for any help.
Sorry but i think same deer. Left brow longer than right, beams and g3s just filled out more. Same width, would surprise me if u ever get a photo to prove something different. Ever had the smaller buck at feeder in a previous pic with the first picture deer?
I see the same buck. Pictures were 3 weeks apart and he would have easily grown that much during that period. His browtines are a good reference to tell it's the same buck. Take another look.
No this was the first time I have seen the smaller buck. Unfortunately, they are only coming out at night. Hopefully that will change as the season gets closer. Thanks for the help.
Nice deer. I dont think this deer is the same one as the first two pics. This deer is much better i think. The first 2 pics are the same deer, but this deer is different. It looks like a 9pt