It is possible. But it depends on the bow. Some bows will shoot their advertised speed some won't. It varies a lot.
Most advertised IBO ratings are set with nothing on the string,(i.e., peep sight, kisser, string loop, silencers, etc.). Some manufacturer do leave the weight near the end of the string for a modest gain (i.e., speed buttons, speed balls, etc.). So a hunting rig often times will never be able to duplicate those speeds.
However, some manufacturers test their bows setup as hunting rigs and their customer bows achieve the speeds and even some will surpass the speeds. So, don't rely too heavily on the advertised speeds. If I gave a list of the bows that I have found that will make advertised speeds and the ones that don't, there would be someone else post how full of it I am and they had completely inverse results. So!
If you bow is shooting well, you like the way it shoots and you are able to shoot accurately to your satisfaction. Don't worry about your IBO speed. It is not that important. That arrow at 247fps will shoot through an elk, deer, bear, horse, goat, sheep or anything else in North America.
If you want to shoot faster and nothing else will satisfy you. Then shoot a lighter weight arrow, a lighter weight point, increase your poundage, strip everything off your string, shoot the smallest vanes you can find and go for it. But if you just want to hunt. Shoot what you got and have fun.
But, The IBO standard is, I think 70lb. bow, 350grain total weight on the arrow and 30 inch draw. That is the standard that the manufacturers use to test their bows for comparison, supposedly. By comparison to acheive IBO standards for other weights, it is basically 5grains of arrow weight for ever pound of bow draw weight.