Arrow oscillating


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
When I was shooting at 40-50 yards yesterday, I could see some of my arrows were oscillating in flight and not flying straight. I have a WB rest and I have plenty of clearance on the sight. Is this the arrow, the shooter, or the bow?
sometimes the rotation of the chocolate chip cookie feather in flight will cause an optical illusion of the arrow fishtailing. i changed to all 1 color fletchings and have never seen this since.
did they have broadheads on them ?,i had some arrows that were not heavy enuff & would do that,it would take 10-15y before they would stablize,mike243
It could be alot of things. You could be torquing the bow, your bow could need tuning, your arrow spine could be wrong, and it could just be your eyes :grin:
You could shoot through paper at a longer distance to see for sure.
stik said:
sometimes the rotation of the chocolate chip cookie feather in flight will cause an optical illusion of the arrow fishtailing. i changed to all 1 color fletchings and have never seen this since.

John & Teresa - EWA said:
If you're shooting that kind of distance you may want to get rid of the WB and go to a drop away ... it eliminates all flight contact.

Ditto on both of these.
bobthebowhunter said:
pjridge said:
You could shoot through paper at a longer distance to see for sure.

Instead of paper that far out I would recomend a walk back tune.

I'm not recommending it for tuning, just to verify..