Here are a few basics to help you out. At 29 inch draw pulling about 70# an arrow with a 400-350 spine will work. Spines are figured at full length and since you are going to be cutting some off the spine will get stronger. When you add weight up front it also weakens the spine but with those lighter points it won't be bad. Also remember for total arrow weight, as a minimum, it is highly recommended by most manufacturers to shoot a total arrow weight equalling this - 5 grains x pounds of pull = total arrow weigh ex: 5 x 70 = 350gr. If you get some and they seem to not fly like you like them try heavier points. This is my set up on the light side I'm also a 29" draw @ 70# - gold tip 5575 with 100 grain tips total arrow weight 390 gr. Gets me a 3" group at 65 yards. Remember its only shooting an arrow not rocket science and the same basic rules that have been working for the last 30+ years still work.