Arrow question


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Signal Mtn., Tennessee
I was looking into making my own arrows, or depending on cost and time, trying to find someone to make some. I have seen the materials on ebay, but was not sure. I shot some cedar arrows of a friend and loved them. I have an old Martin recurve, 45#, 29.5". I have tried some carbons, but liked the cedar better. Maybe because it is more traditional, idk. I have not bought anything yet, just trying to get a feel for what is involved. Thanks.
I use carbons (and some aluminums) but I have to load the point weight up to get a good flex around the riser. I have tried cedar that others have made and some that I bought and fletched. GOOD cedar shafts ARE A MUST!!! I bought some cheap cedar shafts and had nothing but problems. That is why I am shooting carbons. If I was to use wood arrows now, I would buy from some that makes them or get my supplies from one of the traditional archery tackle suppliers.
I know of a guy in Texas that I will probably buy a set from when I get a few extra bucks.
All of the old growth Acme Port Orford cedar went to Japan years ago. So getting quality cedar shafts is tough. "Select" grade shafts from Rose City are about as good as it gets these days in the cedar line. You might look at some of the other woods available. I don't think I've ever bought very many arrows assembled, I've usually made my own. I still use the single "Bitzenberger" fletching jig I bought new back in the early '70s and make them one at a time.