Arrow rotation in flight


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY
So, I read an article by Bob Robb in a recent magazine where he cliamed that a straight fletched 2in vein only rotated an arrow less than 1 time at 30 yards. He claimed that quick fletch rotated it somewhere in the 5-10 range.

I would have thought it would have been much more. Does anyone have any information on the legitimacy of these claims?
I somewhat agree with the first claim because there is not enough of a helical to induce a spin, however the second claim I do somewhat disagree with--the spin rate might be slightly higher than he claims. I admit I am not shooting quick fletch because I use Blazers with a two and half degree helical, but I used a camera with an open exposure of six seconds and shot my arrow at sunset with a lighted nock and you could see the revolutions as the arrow sliced through the air. I really wasn't counting spinning revolutions, I was checking arrow flight as a whole and it appeared to me now looking back at it that the arrow spun at a faster than he claims. Now I didn't have a high-speed camera to confirm, and I'm not sure he did either, but it would be interesting to look into this at a later date when I, or someone else on here, has the time--maybe after deer season? ;)
I just got back from WalMart and when I was in the checkout line I looked down and saw some chem-lights and a "?" went off above my head. Hopefully this evening I will be able to at least provide some type of answer. I'm gonna break open the chem light and pour the liquid on one vane and then shoot it at night under a camera with the exposure open. I'll post my results just after dark.
Well, no conclusive results�the stuff inside the chem-light isn't bright enough to register on film while the arrow is in motion. I'll try something else later.