You will be way underspined if you use either of the two choices above�.340 spine is what they rate and you are below .300. Also, you will have 3-4 inches of drop in almost every arrow out there unless you go to the bare minimum weight�which I will not recommend.
I looked at a couple of Easton's new offerings in a .300 spine and the closest match will be something like the Aftermath coming in around 430gr at 300fps or so. However, you will still be slightly underspined�your ideal spine .2807. I own a long-draw Reezen also, and they are powerhouses but a pain to find ideal spine because almost no one makes moderate weight arrows (400-440gr) below a .300 spine. Any chance you would be willing to turn the poundage down? It will open up your ideal spine match and still keep you around 290fps with a 4.39" drop between 20-30.
I will look further into other choices after supper and we get the kids in bed