Ashley Furnace Servicing

Creek bottoms

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2022
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Humphreys County
I have one of these in my basement. It is tied into the ductwork. I bought the place 9 years ago and never used it. A neighbor helped me clean out the flu. I built a fire in it with seasoned wood. It burned like hell with blowers on! My wife called out from upstairs that the house had become smokey. Smoke was seeping in through the ductwork upstairs. I opened the doors and windows upstairs until it burned out. This obviously shouldn't do this. My HVAC guy suggested a crack in the furnace could be the problem allowing smoke into the duct. I'm just not convinced that is the problem. I'd sure like to be using it now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm near Waverly. Thanks!
first was the chimney drawing smoke good? You have to warm the flue up to get the smoke to pull right. Also crack a door near it if it's in the basement because if your house is really tight, it may need a little more air to get it going. Also opening the ash clean out door if it's on the bottom will help get it started better and drawing air better. We've got a 70's suburban that is probably similar and when it's really cold I get smoke coming out of the air control door because it's choking itself out. Also yoh may have a dampener which I'm not familiar with but I would think you may have to make sure it's open.
You've got a crack somewhere in the firebox letting smoke in. It might look like a hairline crack until it heats up then it opens allowing smoke to escape. Maybe hard to find but it's there
Find the crack seal it with furnace cement co-op Home Depot Amazon etc. if it cures problem you can work on putting more permanent seal on
Build small fire follow the smoke. Furnace cement will stop the leak. May have to re seal every year or so