Athens Archery ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo.
Trading one of my bows for an Athens Accomplice 34 . I honestly don't know much about them . Anyone have any experience with them ? I thought I would give it a try . I have a few other bows to shoot , so if I don't like it I'll sell it or trade it off.
I did some research on archery talk . Pretty much everyone had good things to say about the company, customer service, and the bows . Had to sort through the dozens of field staff reviews to find an unbiased opinion , but that's common on Archery Talk . :)
Yeah finding a good review on there between the biased people, both for and against, is like finding a needle in a hay stack.
TheAirMan said:
Yeah finding a good review on there between the biased people, both for and against, is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

I don't get on there much , but I will read some of the threads on new products or products I'm not familiar with to get a general idea , good or bad . I ignore the fanboys and bow bashers for most part . It's probably the most brand conscious forum I have ever read . You just gotta sort through the crap to find usefull information.
I mostly use it for the classifieds. You can find some good deals on there. I've even got some stuff and decided not to use it and turned around and sold it on ebay for a profit.
I'm an Athens staffer so you can take my opinion for what it's worth.
I recently got an Athens Exceed for my 3D rig. I'm really impressed with it so far. It has a very smooth draw, but it's not as smooth as say a Mathews Prestige. The back wall is rock-solid, mainly due to the dual draw stops. I feel that it's balanced relatively well. I've shot it quite a few times already and I'm as accurate with it as I have been other bows. All in all, I'm really satisfied with mine so far.
Athens is a relatively new company but I feel they're making some big moves to stay in it long term. I've never shot an Acccomplice but I have talked to people that own them and they will give me honest reviews. None of them had a negative remark about their Accomplices. Very smooth, great back wall, etc. It's a binary, so it builds up a little quick like they all do.
From everything I've heard about them, the warranty at Athens is top notch. If you have any other questions about the Accomplice, or Athens in general, feel free to shoot me a message and I'll see that it gets answered.
Double Drops said:
I'm an Athens staffer so you can take my opinion for what it's worth.
I recently got an Athens Exceed for my 3D rig. I'm really impressed with it so far. It has a very smooth draw, but it's not as smooth as say a Mathews Prestige. The back wall is rock-solid, mainly due to the dual draw stops. I feel that it's balanced relatively well. I've shot it quite a few times already and I'm as accurate with it as I have been other bows. All in all, I'm really satisfied with mine so far.
Athens is a relatively new company but I feel they're making some big moves to stay in it long term. I've never shot an Acccomplice but I have talked to people that own them and they will give me honest reviews. None of them had a negative remark about their Accomplices. Very smooth, great back wall, etc. It's a binary, so it builds up a little quick like they all do.
From everything I've heard about them, the warranty at Athens is top notch. If you have any other questions about the Accomplice, or Athens in general, feel free to shoot me a message and I'll see that it gets answered.

Thanks you ! I should be getting it in a day or too. I'm used to the Binary cams on one of my other bows and they are very smooth . I like to shoot bows from the smaller companies . There are allot of good bows on the market besides Mathews , Bowtech and Hoyt .
I have been on the staff for a couple different bow companies in the past few years , but I'm getting to the point where I'm wanting to try different bows out that appeal to me .
Radar said:
I'm really I like to shoot bows from the smaller companies . There are allot of good bows on the market besides Mathews , Bowtech and Hoyt .

That is true. However, after the last small company I tried, which is no longer is business, I don't think it's a bad idea at all to stick with the well established companies.
They feel alot like a cross between a Elite z28 and Gt500. Weight builds early in draw, but is smooth thru out. Good bows.
I got the bow yesterday . The draw cycle is smooth , grip feels nice , and balances well at full draw . I havent had a chance to shoot the bow yet though . We have 10" of snow on the ground here and my target is buried . :)