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Awesome fluke hook


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
My son and I used to fish flukes alot, like almost exclusively.
Since I was shown the whacky worm my fluke fishing has decreased lately.
We were fishing Sunday and he was throwing a fluke and he showed me the hook he was using.
He caught 6 bass with the same fluke the Friday before and then caught 6 more on it Sunday.
It finally literally ripped in half.

We always have had trouble with the nose of the bait ripping out, many times after just one fish.
Anyway, this is also something errrrbody already knows but I thought I would pass it along.

Owner hooks with twistlock.
It also stops the fluke from flipping and flopping on the surface instead of sinking when fished weightless. I assume it's due to the way it attaches, dunno.
They are kinda pricey but at that rate they will pay for themselves quickly.


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I fish flukes (and the far superior Bass Assassin) a LOT, and I've been using these hooks for years. Also, the only shaky heads I use are the Owner with the centering pin twist locks. Owner makes quality stuff. If you use a shaky head much definitely try theirs.

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I fish flukes a lot and have for a long time, I have well over 300 packs on a peg board not counting what are in my boat. I use Gamakatsu wide gap for bass and gamakatsu straight for hybrid. Tried the hooks with the twistlock, didn't work for me. Just don't like them. No way to hide the knot and the knot catches way to much trash, especially when fishing for bass.

The nose of the fluke almost never gives me any issues, it is always where I stick the point of the hook back into the fluke that wears out.
Seems like every time I would find a good Fluke color it would get torn and battered. Then try to find a new one in the tackle box. ........only one in the box. Then that tattered, beaten little soldier gets tossed back in for more mistreatment.
Kirk":2gyc78hm said:
Seems like every time I would find a good Fluke color it would get torn and battered. Then try to find a new one in the tackle box. ........only one in the box. Then that tattered, beaten little soldier gets tossed back in for more mistreatment.

I ran out the door and jumped in my pond boat the other evening to fish for 30 minutes or so. Just took my fluke rod and nothing else. They were on fire. I stuck the hook point in different spots. I bit part of the head off. Finally one grabbed it below the hook and I jerked back a bare hook and had to quit. Usually I fill a pocket up before I walk out. Guess I wasn't thinking.
For some reason this thread reminds me of a joke I pulled on a co-worker. I was at work one day about 5 yrs ago. We have a co-worker that is easy to get a joke over on. He came up one day and was asking about bass fishing, he knew I fished alot back then. He said he would like to catch some bass down behind his house but couldn't get them to bite anything he threw at them. And he wanted to know what he should try. I thought for just a second and I told him to stop by Walmart in town and pick up a pack of skin flukes. The magnums to be exact, I told him to get a pack of the white for day time and black for night time. I told him he had to ask the lady that works back in sporting goods to get them because they kept them behind the counter. Cause they were such good baits people would steal them off the rack.
He came in the next day mad as a old wet hen. He said he ask the lady for a pack of white and a pack of black magnum skin flukes. He said the lady didn't think is was funny at all. She thought he was some creep trolling Walmart. He then told her a coworker sent him up there and to ask for them.
Kirk":1lmvu2m6 said:
Seems like every time I would find a good Fluke color it would get torn and battered. Then try to find a new one in the tackle box. ........only one in the box. Then that tattered, beaten little soldier gets tossed back in for more mistreatment.

That is why I carry a bag full in my boat and replenish from the peg board.

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