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BAD Day on the River


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
Today I'm recovering from a BAD day on the river Wednesday. I was escorting a group of geologists on an excursion through the TN River Gorge when we discovered a body washed ashore about a mile below Suck Creek. It had obviously been there a while. We called authorities and stood by until the first officer arrived, then we departed the scene.

Later, we returned to the Tennessee Riverpark Launch Ramp... what I consider absolutely the safest ramp in Hamilton County... only to discover thieves had smashed out my passenger window. :bash: Oddly, I had some valuable stuff in the truck (GoPro camera, binoculars, checkbook, etc.). However they didn't take anything, although they clearly rummaged through the truck. I can only suppose they were looking strictly for cash, or a gun. They won't find either left in my truck. ;)

This info is absolutely NOT intended as any negative reflection on Tennessee Riverpark or the Hamilton County officers who patrol it. In fact, before I even called anyone, an officer rolled up immediately after I discovered the calamity. Off. Dennis Curry was great. He was very apologetic (although it absolutely wasn't their fault. They obviously can't be there all the time). He promised he'd get me a copy of his report for insurance purposes, and then even asked Gary, one of the maintenance guys, to clean the broken glass out of my truck. If there can be such a thing in such a circumstance, it was "service with a smile." :D

I share this (about the break-in) ONLY to point out that such things can happen anywhere... the worst, shadiest boat ramp, or the best, most well-patrolled. Therefore, don't leave anything in your truck you can't live without.

As for the body, I spend about 150 days a year on the river fishing. I've always sort of expected something like this. But when it actually happens, it's still a very unpleasant shock. I feel sorry for the woman's family, whoever they are. But I hope they can find some peace now, at least having the opportunity for some closure.

Finally, a shout-out to Safelight. I discovered they have an awesome website. Last night, on my iPhone, I got a quote and scheduled an appointment for this morning. I arrived and was out of there, fixed and good to go in 45 minutes. I was shocked at how easy the process was. If I ever have a broken glass issue again, you can bet I'll be returning to Safelight. But thief also dented my door frame. I've filed a claim with State Farm. Hopefully it'll be as pain-free. We'll see.
Sorry for the incident with your truck. Luckily nothing was taken and insurance will cover the cost of the window.

Hate that you discovered a body like that. It has always been my fear as a hunter and fisherman that it will happen to me one day as well. My sympathies to her family and if they had been searching for her then at least they wont have to wonder for the rest of their lives about where she may be.
I spend as many, if not more days on the water than you with work and we always say it's just a matter of time until we find one but none of us hope it ever happens. Closest thing has been a cpr dummy and just that made our stomachs crawl until we realized what it was.
You know the saying, a bad day fishing is better,.... Wait a sec, a bad day fishing IS a bad day at work for you! :)
Sorry it didn't go very well.
Finding a body is an awful experience. I found a body this past deer season. It screwed me up for a while.
Man I hate it for you on both accounts. We had problems with scum breaking into vehicles at a local ramp several years back. They broke into my jeep one morning, I watched the parking lot for several mornings after that and never seen anyone breaking into vehicles. A good thief is hard to catch.
That is a bad day. I hope it was a drowning and not a murder. It just shows sometimes what a bad day for you is a good day for someone's family getting closure. I worry about vandalism anytime I'm parked on a boat ramp. I've heard people coming back to find their trailer stolen. Now that's a bad day about to get worse.
Wow I can't even imagine going in the woods or on the water and finding a body. That's something I hope to not encounter!

As for the break in, I can relate to that. Not at a boat ramp but middle of the day at work several years ago I had my window busted and CD player stolen. Sadly our public boat ramps seem to attract the lowest of the low in TN.
I hate to hear it, Richard. I'm also very glad that the things of value were left, particularly the checkbook - that can cause a lot of inconvenience down the road. Not that it makes the situation better, but at least nothing irreplaceable was lost...
Sorry to hear about your day. I park my truck at several secluded ramps where a lot of people fish the banks. I meet my fishing buddy on the 58 side of Chickamauga and he puts boat in on the Soddy side since he lives on that side and I always worry about something like that happening.
I feel for you, brother. Some 20 years ago while walking through the autumn woods I came across a finger bone sticking up through the leaves. All sorts of things happened to me internally at that moment, none of them good. Gently moved leaves aside to discover that it was the tip of a little forkhorn antler that had been chewed to a point by squirrels. Never so thankful to see rodent damage!

But I've been very cognizant all my life that far too many stories about finds of human remains start with hunters and fishermen. I like ya, but I would rather not join your club.

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