Be carfeful who you deal with


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Townsend, TN
I talked to a fella on AT about a bow he was selling. He wanted to talk on the phone to negotiate the deal. We agreed on a price and the deal was done. As were were still on the phone I was opening paypal and completed the transaction very shortly after we hung up. He said he would PM me a track # on sat as he was shipping usps.

The next day the guy sent me a nasty PM taliking about how I was a liar. He said I never paid. So now I've got red flags flying every where. I jump over to my pay pal and I did send the guy the $$. I double checked the email I was to send the $$ to and it was correct. i pm'd the guy back telling him my money was not in my account.

Apperantly the dumb !@#$#$@$%%@ was waiting for an email notification to let him know that I paid instead of checking his paypal account. So he finally checked his actual pay pal account and saw that i paid him. This is where it gets good. He sold the bow. I didn't check my messages until later sat evening so he sold the bow to some one else. MY money was sitting there the whole time. Luckily I already have my money back, but what an idiot.

My advise ask lots of questions before you buy off the net so you can find out if the person can handle the details of the transactions.
ShaneHallum said:
Man that is crazy, bet he feels like he's a foot tall. Glad your money was returned, but I would have made him pay the 3% fee.

oh he did. I got my full $$ back.

John & Teresa - EWA said:
Did you check his iTrader Rating? Have you left feedback on his iTrader?

How does that work. I knew I could leave him a feedback I just hadn't figured out AT's sytem for doing that.
You go to the thread in which you bought the item from...and in that thread, under the seller's screen name you'll see the link to check or leave them feedback. Click on that and you'll see their feedback page...and you'll see the link for being able to leave feedback for them on it.

To date I've bought and sold several things off their classifieds and never had a problem. As with anything, there are risks though. I'm glad you got your money back in your case!
John & Teresa - EWA said:
If the refund is within a fairly short time (not sure, but I think about 30 days) paypal does not hit anybody with the % fee.

I'm pretty sure you're right about that. I sold a vintage Vox AC15 amp to a guy in NY about a month ago and he paid with PP. I gave him a track# and we actually had good friendly conversations. A day later FedEx shows up at the office with pieces of an irreplaceable amp and pieces of a soggy box. Luckily I insured it heavy. I took pics and sent to the buyer so he didn't think I got a better price from someone else. The guy wanted the amp badly and I felt like crap. I refunded his PP and he got 100% back.

I insured it heavy like I said and I charged him the shipping so when FedEx gave me a check, I took the additional money I made and split it with him, 70% to him and 30% to me. He was floored that I did that, but it paid off well. Usually bad travels like a virus, but I've gotten wind on MANY guitar related forums that he has spoken very well of me. I felt like I did the fair and right thing.
John & Teresa - EWA said:
If the refund is within a fairly short time (not sure, but I think about 30 days) paypal does not hit anybody with the % fee.

Either way I got my money. I wish it had charged the % and made him pay more

So anyway I figured out how to leave a review. After leaveing his review he then left me a bad one. WTF! How is a review system going to work if the person in the wrong can make up a bunch of junk and leave poor reviews for people who don't desearve it. I PM'd him and gave him a peice of my mind.

The one thing that gets me about this is that he had my phone #. If he was that worried why didn't he call me? Idiot!
Make sure you give the guy a negative review. If you guys had a deal, then he never should have sold the bow. Plus, there was no reason for him to send you a hateful email, especially that fast.