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Bedford County Bird #2 goes down


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2006
Got my second bird of the season this yr. got up a little late, had to cover a half mile to get to my spot. Several birds gobbled on roost but not this one. he never gobbbled, i never called. I picked up movement in the woods heading to the field. i could see something swinging. i knew it was a tom, but i didnt want to call. he enters the field walking at 52 steps. Hillbilly hunter gave me a hevi shot #5 to try and man did it do the job. he never flopped just sank at the shot and did a few death kicks. pretty bird. 22 lbs (floor scales) thick 10.75 inch beard, 1 inch spurs. i believe he is a 3 yr old. Two other toms gobbled after the shot.
Looks like you killed him on the point of woods coming out in the big field at RH's. Great looking bird. Me and Redblood called one up Wed. in the same spot, he just never got close enough. You think it was the same bird?
that is the spot hillbilly. if you look close you can see the cows in the background. they beat me to the turkey. i do not think it is the same bird as this one had a little thicker beard. i also do not think this was the dominant bird as he did not make a peep. a couple of other birds gobbled at the shot.

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