Been out all day


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
savannah, tn., usa
Still in big flocks which I like to see. Didn't hear any gobbling. Saw one very big flock. 96 birds give or take a few. 15 or 16 longbeards. Best I could count. Shaping up pretty good. I'm ready. Wish it opened right now lol.
I saw a group of 10 jakes and gobblers. No strutting and no hens. That's a good sign.

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Gobbling in Joelton.

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Gobbled yesterday morning on the roost twice. At least 5 strutters went straight to the food plot. Hope they keep that routine up. A DAV will have a memorable hunt if they do.
My backyard birds have just started to become extremely vocal (southern MS). Tom popped off a couple gobbles in the pitch black last night as I was gathering chicken eggs. The hens are really starting to squawk as well. The gobbler struts most of the year since he isn't separate from the hens, but he started back up with the spitting and drumming a week ago. He should be topping the hens in another week or two, and I expect eggs shortly after that.

Our local season opens up this weekend in MS, but birds haven't started breeding quite yet, even with the unbelievably warm spring.

I did have a bluebird start a next last week in a box, earliest I have ever seen that happen...
Saw the same big group I always see yesterday by the house. Looked like at least 3 gobblers strutting. Think I'm gonna knock on some doors this weekend to see if I can bag one.

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