best broadhead?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
dyersburg, tn
well, ive been bow hunting for 4yrs now, and have yet to find a good broadhead for my bow. rite now im using a muzzy 3blade 100grain broadhead. it good till bout 30yrds, but then it starts flying all over the place. been wanting to try the rage 2blade, but wanted to get yalls opinions bout them. do they fly straight, and are there any problems with non deployment.
I have only killed deer with two broadheads, G5 montec and rage 2 blade. My bow did not shoot the montecs the same as my field points (tuning issue), so I had to adjust sight for the broadhead. The rage, even with my poorly tuned bow, will hit the same as my field points at all distances I've tried.

I have only killed one deer with the rage 2 blade. It was a slight quartering to shot that entered behind the shoulder and exited in front of rear leg. The blood trail wasn't great because the exit was plugged with intestines. The entrance cut was very impressive, probably around 4 inches (don't ask me how it cut twice the broadhead diameter).

The way the rage is designed, I don't see how it could fail to open unless one has clogged the ferrule with target foam or accidently shoots the blue practice head at a deer.

The 2 blade I shot the deer with had bent blades because it stuck in the ground, which was hard and rocky. I don't think the rage heads are very durable like some fixed blade broadheads, but they seem to do much more damage to soft tissue. The entrance cut with the rage was 3 or 4 times bigger than what I got last year with a similar shot using montec.
outdoorsmen, you will get alot if different answers in this subject. Do a search on here.

Oh btw, Rage 2 blade :D
I have tried alot of different broadheads and I mostly shoot a muzzy 100gr. 3 blade. Most of the deer I have killed have been with a muzzy. But last year I tried a tight point shuttle T-lock 100gr. and it flies just like my field points you may want to take a look at them.
I've only shot Spitfires, grim reapers and Muzzy 3 blades. Killed deer with all 3. Right now Muzzy is doing the job and has not failed me to call for a replacement. This year 4 kills and all fell within sight. At being half the cost of the other broadheads and do a fairly good job of resharpening it seems like a winner.
I have rages and montecs. I've never shot a deer with the rages, but they fly like my field points. The montecs fly equally well with really good penetration. I've been very happy with them. They've put 3 does down this fall. One of them broke a doe's offside leg bone in 2.