Best camera to buy?


May 28, 2013
Reaction score
West TN
Whats a good camera to buy that is reliable? New to the trail cam thing but bought a stealth cam and cant ever get it to take any pics. When i test it, it does fine but when left in the field no pics. EVER! And I know deer are there. Thanks for the feedback
Might be better to eliminate a few NOT to buy, then go from there. "Best" based on what? Amount of money able to spend or other factors? Other factors also should include how much you value your time, and the costs of periodic field servicing (including battery life and gasoline expenses).

There are certain brands and models that aren't as bad as others, although most made in China suffer very poor quality control. (Most brands being offered on the commercial market are made in China.)

Other than homebrews and commercial cams made in USA (none of which are among the lower cost options), I'd have a hard time recommending any particular make. Among the lower cost (but made in China) options, some of the best user reviews I've heard recently have been regarding the DLC Covert brand.

One big mistake many people are making is making a decision based on paid advertising, paid endorsements, and/or a "name brand" that might be very reputable for riflescopes (but maybe not so much for trail cams). Failure rates (not working when brand new or not working beyond a few weeks) have been high among most brands (not made in USA). While a "guarantee" can be of value, how do you put a "price" on all that time you're waiting on a warranty replacement and going without what you've already paid for?
For mine I look at where I'm puttin em. I'd love to have a cellular cam, but not going to take a 400 gamble it comes up missing. I find the 70-80 dollar cams that do ok and live with it, knowing that if it gets stolen I can drive away and really not feel sick.

For me besides the whiteout which I hate, for around the 70-80 bucks I gave for them the wild game innovations micro cams seem to do fine for me. Again, not high quality and your going to get some whiteout at times, but like they say IMO you get what u pay for.
For what its worth... I started researching the DLC Covert MP6 earlier this year and now have 2 in the field. The price is great, I gave $119 for mine and now they have brand new ones on Amazon for $99 (see link). Day time pics and battery life are GREAT!!! Night time pics are good. Very small footprint and easy to set up... ... covert+mp6
I like my spypoint for night pics. And my covert black 60 for day pics . I think all the cameras have there up and downs .
I don't know the answer but when I buy new ones they are coming from, 2 years warranty on any cam you buy online from them, 90 days return no questions

they have great reviews on each cam they sell
Answering that question is like answering the question, "What is the best car?"

In essence, there is no "best" camera. It all depends on what you want out of the camera and what you are willing to pay. If reliability is your top consideration, get ready to drop $500-600 on a Reconyx. If you need the most reliability on a budget, look at this year's Coverts, Bushnell TrophyCams, and higher-end Moultrie cameras.
BSK's operative words being [size]"this year's".[/size]
Some of the "prior year's" Bushnells have really "sucked" with high failure rates and not operating as advertised.

Many of the "cheaper" models being sold online "on sale" are prior year's models.
I just purchased 2 2013 Covert Black 60 and 2 2013 Covert Red 40 cameras to fill some gaps until Reconyx releases their new cameras.

The Red 40 is considered to have the best daylight image quality of any commercial cam.