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Best season so far!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2000
Georgetown, TN
I started my season on Tuesday and i took one of my friends with me that day, and i took my bird around 830am, and it was 20.5# with a 10.5" beard and my friend took his about 1030am and it was 19.75# and a 9.75" beard.
On Wednesday i took another friend and he took one a around 9am and it was 19.5" and a 9" beard.
On Friday i took one of my Friends dad with me and he took one around 8am and it was 19.5 with a 9.5" beard and i took one around 10am and it was 21.5# with a 11.25" beard.

Not too bad of a start of this years season.. We have seen alot of bird and heard a bunch of gobbles.. Most of the gobblers around here are roaming around alone looking for love.

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