Blaze in the turkey woods?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
Blount co tn
Are you required to wear blaze for spring turkey?
My tactical tatie has the blaze patch and I was debating on taking it out or leaving it in.
no I leave it at the house. but I would have it if I hunted public land. just throw it in the back of the vest in case you feel you need it.
That Blaze orange piece built into your vest is for when your carrying a Turkey out of the woods. Helps keep the idiots from shooting at you.
I actually carry a cheap light weight blaze vest in my vest. All I hunt is public land and with the hoardes of idiots running around I've broken it out a few times when someone has come in on me. It sure gives a little bit of comfort when sliding out away from another hunter.

I used to never consider ever having blaze, but the education level of hunters has dropped and the desire for killing at all costs has made people trigger happy.
Pull it out on public land or private land and clubs that I am sure other hunters are around, when I am bringing a turkey out. No sense in getting shot at. Can never be too careful.