Toxophilite Phil said:
Target panic can be called different names....buck fever, freezing, target panic ,etc....but it all stems from the fear of missing. Once you get it, I personally, you never get rid of it. You can "control" it but you will never get rid of it. You can't think of several things of once and shoot accurately. That is the reason you need to come up with a mental checklist that you go through to achieve a perfect shot. If you have it a good book to read is Bernie Pelerite "Idiot Proof Archery ". It will give a better understanding to the problem and offer a road to take to get it under control. I will say if you decide to get it under control you need to start now. You WILL NOT get it under control 2 weeks before season.
Exactly right, and yesI am one of "those guys", but I do things to control it. I have tried multiple releases, but it all stems from a mental breakdown/fear of missing the point of impact as Toxophilite pointed out. My problem is I have a tendency of not being able to bring the pin down to the target, and if I can force the pin down I "jump on the trigger" with the force of a nuclear bomb. Although, sometimes I get hung up and just can't get the arrow off of the string fast enough. However, there are several tricks I use to help keep my target panic in check, and blind bale shooting is one of them. The other is standing right in front of the bale and knowing I'm never going to shoot, I just move the pin from spot to spot and let back down, and then repeat the process over and over. I make it part of my "pre-practice" warmup. The funny thing is that I have never had an issue with TP when huntingonly when practicing or 3D shooting.