The in person draws , especially the one at Big Sandy , as most here know did have a very obvious pro lems with the blinds being sold. As soon as the first name was called, you would see 5 or 6 different guys scattered out in the crowd take off toward the drawn person, then run up, start making an offer before they ever got to the table to chose. Right in front of TWRA. As SCN stated, they had there hands tied. l went every year, from 1978 to the last yr they drew in person to big sandy. Never got my name drawn, but went up with a buddy , just himself and me. He was drawn second, l stood up, took one step, had a guy run up, asked would l take 12 thousand for the pick. He had a roll of 100s that would have choked a mule. l tried to do the right thing, took another step, another guy offered 16. My buddy is a really honest ,law abiding guy. He actually drew, so l asked him, he said no, wouldnt be right. So that old saying, a fool and his money are soon parted, was true two times that day. The guys for offering, us for not taking. LOL. I really believe the main reason the in person draws where done away with was because of a few groups at Big Sandy who did this for years, disregarding the rules. TWRA would always announce right before draw it was illegal to try and buy, or sell a blind. First draw foward, these guys where so oblivious. Total disregard for TWRA, and many other legal hunters. waterfowling is my passion. Always has been. l just cant understand why those guys would pay that kinda money for a few spots up there, when they could have paid a yrs payments on a spot they could have owned. lm gonna make some people mad here, but The commission took alot of blame for going to computer draws, but the blame should really be put on the groups who broke the rules ever year. There are several posting on this thread that know who most of these guys where. Myself included. Sad it ended, but They just finally got tired of it. Wasnt enforceable, a few groups kept pushing it in their face. plus you had a few commissioners from east Tn, one who was the lead commissioner at the end of his term, who really pushed it hard to be made a draw, supposedly to make it much more fair for east Tn. hunters to have a chance to duck hunt in West Tn. lm all for equal chances state wide, but it just wont work, because many of these West Tn WMA blind sites are hard to find, get to. especially for a group who doesnt have any knowledge of the area. Dodge man can back me on this. a lot of these sites require boating in the dark thru flooded timber,, for sev miles. just no way for a non local to find. Honestly, it gets really old , especially a couple guys who just constantly complain about how TWRA took away the in person draws from them. they need to blame the few groups who every year continued to buy blinds at big sandy. That's the real truth about who got it ended. sorry for my rant.