2 men have opposite opinions on O'Brien. Whose opinion should I trust? Coach Goofball or 6 time Super Bowl Champion Bill Belichick? Man, that's a toughy.
Lets go with Nick Saban's ruling on this with his official record of 21 bowl game appearances with 15 victories, nine SEC West titles, eight SEC championships, and six national championships. Boo Ya!
There may be some interesting news coming out about his replacement. Very Interesting if true. Don't want to spoil it. :)
I've seen a few things saying he might go back to the patriots. I personally would like to get somebody else. If he does leave I wish him the best.
PDB, do you and Nick want Garret Riley, Mullen, or Freddie Kitchens? I think all 3 are interesting but O Brian is a great coach if he stays.
I know you didn't ask me but I hope Freddie Kitchens gets it. Probably not the most popular choice but he's got experience and I'd like to see the old Bama qb get a chance.
I'm not sure if they can afford kitchens meal ticket. Although he looks like he's lost some weight from his old playing days.😂 dude scambled as fast as spilt sausage gravey
2 men have opposite opinions on O'Brien. Whose opinion should I trust? Coach Goofball or 6 time Super Bowl Champion Bill Belichick? Man, that's a toughy.

The article indicated Belichick has a high opinion of O'Brien. Obviously, Saban does as well or he wouldn't have hired O'Brien and kept him board.

Lets go with Nick Saban's ruling on this with his official record of 21 bowl game appearances with 15 victories, nine SEC West titles, eight SEC championships, and six national championships. Boo Ya!
I don't know about all the numbers here but Saban has 7 National Championships and 10 SEC Championships.

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