bone stock


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2014
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Hey fellas, huge shout out to all that replied. I never made homemade chicken/turkey etc stock before. I started making it around Thanksgiving I guess. What a big difference in soups, rice dishes even vegetables using homemade stock. And its getting everything I can out of the carcass. But ne way just had to say, I have used a lot of homemade stock since and now I put most all my trimmings in a freezer bag and make stock. Pretty much standard I use is whatever parts, some peppercorns, celery, carrots, onions, bay leaf, little bit of salt. I add other spices when I use the stock depending on dish I'm cooking. Cook it down do some straining and set in fridge overnight, then lift out the fat, strain again and into freezer bags. I put 2qrts stock to a 1gallon freezer bag. This makes a good pot of soup/stew, or 1.5pints to a quart freezer bag good for rice. Lay bags flat in a tub in the freezer to freeze.

Don't throw out your carcass..make some stock.
My grandma cooked everything from scratch. Still remember she saved the fat off chickens and would use that to fry up eggs. Man those eggs were good
My wife asked me to quit making stock for a while. We were running out of jars in the cabinet and space in the freezer.

In the winter, we'll keep a simmer pot on the stove after having chicken legs or wings for dinner.

By the way, if you've never had a stock from smoked bird, you're really missing out.
TAFKAP --- You got that right on using smoked bird carcass for making stock, Some of the first I made was smoked. Definitely tell the difference between smoked bird stock and otherwise (both very good) I like the smoked carcass version best. I bought several post holiday turkey breast that the plan was for smoking through the year, now I save the carcass and make stock with them and other parts from whole chickens I smoke.
Forvols":3hqjqgid said:
TAFKAP --- You got that right on using smoked bird carcass for making stock, Some of the first I made was smoked. Definitely tell the difference between smoked bird stock and otherwise (both very good) I like the smoked carcass version best. I bought several post holiday turkey breast that the plan was for smoking through the year, now I save the carcass and make stock with them and other parts from whole chickens I smoke.

I smoked a whole mallard last year and made stock from the leftovers, which i turned into a stew. It was great! Duck fat is one of my favorites.
Homemade stock is so much better than store bought, and most people never get to try it. I always make stock from venison bones. Rub them down with tomato paste and garlic, and roast them in a hot oven (400 degrees or so) then add them to my stock pot with aromatic spice and veggies.
I've made a veggie broth from the stems of a boatload of oyster mushrooms and chanterelles I found one year.

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