Bought my wife her first bow!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
Reaction score
Washington County
My wife had been talking about wanting to try archery hunting. So for her one of her birthday gifts I took her and had her set up with her first bow. She decided on a Diamond Razoredge, with st epic arrows. She loves it and is doing pretty well. Said she cant wait for archery season!
Thats awesome. I want my girl to get into it as well. She always talks about her winning archery tournaments when she was a little girl with her purple bow. Now, I wanna see her shoot with my own eyes.
my girl shoots a browning micro drenaline. its a sweet shootin bow, and she loves shooting and hunting as well. Congrats to you!
hunter drew said:

Awesome my wife is wanting one...I told her i would get her a crossbow she would probably like it better, she was like i said a bow not a crossbow :D
Then why doesn't she have one yet???
willhunt4food said:
My wife wants to get into bow hunting with me any suggestions on her first bow?
take her and let her shoot several and pick the one that makesher go "WOW that is cool!". It has to fit her...regardless of the brand.
Be sensitive to the physical weight of the bow. Regardless of pull poundage, women tend to be more sensitive to the amount of weight that they hold in mid air.