bow hunting fall turkey question.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
watertown ,TN
I was reading the guide and understand that we are allowed 6 in the two week season , either sex?? But reading it , looks like we are allowed 1 turkey anytime during bow season?? Or is it just that two week period?
From what I understand if your county is listed on the turkey hunting season page, then you are allowed one extra turkey during bow season... Separate from the 2 week season.
In Smith County you are allowed 6 turkeys either sex from Oct. 15-28. You may also shoot one additional turkey with archery equipment during the deer archery season.
TitansFan its only one in smith county during archery.If in doubt I will come help you out with you turkey population control:D
Lol. I'm hoping to get one , I'm hunting wilson and smith!! I might try to get all six during the the season. Lmao!! Sling enough arrows to block out the sun..... Then we shall hunt in the shade.... :) might be the only way I get anything