Bow Hunting The Drink

Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Mt juliet ,Tn
So i have been hunting this little piece on the lake and i found this new spot where nobody has ever hunted it awesome,,,so anyways first day hunting it i shot a nice 18'' 8 point. well i have been going back and been seeing a few bucks chasing does, and again this is like all this week, well i found some new srapes so i set up on them . went this morning and put the boat in the water and of course FOG. I only have to go a short distanse striaght across the big water and or course the fog messed me all up. ened up doing circles for like and stupid!! i shouldnt have been out there in the first place..i could barley see the front of the boat thats how bad it was.Anyways long story short i was walking in and he was literally under my mad
Done that while fishing, went in a big half circle about half-a-mile. Scary part is I was putt-putting I could hear the big bass boats going at high speed.

GPS's are great for this situation.