Bowhunting Anonymous?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
So what do y'all do when all you want to do is bow hunt? I feel like I'm starting to get a problem and I am powerless over bowhunting. Didn't plan on going today but it sure looks nice outside. Maybe we can start a 12 step program for bowhunters so our families and work won't suffer.
Hello my name is Larry and I'm a Bowhuntaholic, I know it's a problem I have to face, I find myself getting the shakes and having DT's (deer thoughts) I can't control. but I have the wisdom see I don't just have problem, But a life changing Addiction that has me getting up and heading to the woods to get a fix at 3:30 a.m., shoot till i'm sore. and forces me to stay on the stand just a few more cold and wet min. just in hope my fix will show up....all I have to say is.....Thank you GOD for making me a Bowhunter!!!!!!!
oh yeah they have meetings the second friday of eaver month at the old hickory church of god at 7:30pm....The Christian Bowhunters of Tennessee like minded people to help you with your problem....but their only 12 step program is a 20yrd shot
Hello my name is Larry and I'm a Bowhuntaholic, I know it's a problem I have to face, I find myself getting the shakes and having DT's (deer thoughts) I can't control. but I have the wisdom see I don't just have problem, But a life changing Addiction that has me getting up and heading to the woods to get a fix at 3:30 a.m., shoot till i'm sore. and forces me to stay on the stand just a few more cold and wet min. just in hope my fix will show up....all I have to say is.....Thank you GOD for making me a Bowhunter!!!!!!!

Tell me when the next meeting is. Oh, by the way, I wont be able to make it, I will be bowhunting. :grin:
I have been addicted since 1980. I hope I never lose that addiction. I don't spend as much time in the woods as I did back then , but I try to maximize my time and try not to burn out my spots too quick like I did in the early days .
Best cure for a bowhunting addiction is plenty of good hunting spots and time to spare . :) The best bowhunting is in November .
Radar said:
I have been addicted since 1980. I hope I never lose that addiction. I don't spend as much time in the woods as I did back then , but I try to maximize my time and try not to burn out my spots too quick like I did in the early days .
Best cure for a bowhunting addiction is plenty of good hunting spots and time to spare . :) The best bowhunting is in November .

I actually enjoyed hanging around the house today with my wife and son. I'll get another opportuity this coming weekend, so there is no rush. This will keep the fire burning hot and I won't over hunt productive areas. I agree and now I am starting to think about keeping the CVA and Marlin 30 30 in the closet when the rut really heats up :)