Bows in the Rain?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Say your bowhunting and it starts to rain on you, is this bad or hard on your bow? Ill be a brand new bowhunter this year and I just though I would ask this b/c I was shooting the other day and it started raining on me...
I just make sure I oil all the metal parts and wax the string when I get home.
Never had a problem.

Wonder why you don't have a problem stik? :D
As longas it isnt freakin pouring Ill stay.
If you shoot feathers be careful to keep them dry, they will take on weight.

Usually if im going to hunt and I know it is going to rain on me I wax my string really good and take some vaseline and put a very light coat over the bolts on the limbs so they wont rust out and maybe places on my rest. etc.
If you have heavy rain settle on your string it will slow you down a bit. Just ask some of the 3-D shooters that have gotten caught in downpours! Instead of hitting the 12 ring, they drop into the 8.
DUCK37101 said:
Invest in one of those tree umbrellas. It will allow YOU to stay fairly dry along with your bow and it will let you stay hunting a bit longer in some heavier rains.
Wax and oil were great points also.

I picked up a couple from a guy in our classifieds last year...used one for turkey hunting by laying in on the ground and grouching behind it...they work great. I agree with Duck...pick on up, they're fairly cheap.
stik said:
not a problem. the only concern would be loss of a blood trail in the rain.
Ditto . I hope more open mature hardwoods or near fields when it rains , so I can see farther when I hit one .
I use light gun oil on anything that may rust , and keep the string waxed . I also waterproof my feathers with silicone powder .
I have a little rust on my 10 year old high country from getting it wet. Still shoots good. Had i thought about it, i would have dried it off completely when i got it home in the dry. Very few iron parts on a bow.
stik shoots better when it is raining.I prefer to stay out of the rain....mostly because "drowned rat" is not a very good look for me.
I use one of those umbrellas that screws into the tree and it keeps it dry for the most part. If it does get wet just make sure and dry it good. I even use a hair dryer to try and get any moisture that gets into parts I can't hit with a towel. I then spray those with WD40 and wax my string.