Bowtech aftermarket strings


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
bradley county,TN/Lancaster,SC
Do bowtech strings come pre-stretched? Ordered one for my bow due to being cheaper and didnt know. I got the basic brown and green but really wanted colors. If they dont come pre-stretched it guves me another reason to cancel and get a Winners choice of my own colors. What are the differences in these 2 strings?
Heard they were reall good, the best of the OEM's and stretched very little. Seems like a lot of folks wind up just going with them again since they've had good experience with them and know exactly what they're getting.
Buckblaster said:
LY said:
Seems like a lot of folks wind up just going with them again since they've had good experience with them and know exactly what they're getting.

That's exactly why I got them.

Thanks yall.

Let us know how you like the string when you get it.
I never had any issues with the Extreme VFT I used to have. Had the bow for 2 years. Waxed the string up good every other shoot, and I never had to have the string twisted/adjusted due to peep rotation.
JeepKuntry said:
I never had any issues with the Extreme VFT I used to have. Had the bow for 2 years. Waxed the string up good every other shoot, and I never had to have the string twisted/adjusted due to peep rotation.

Bowtech bows then came with winners choice on them then.

I think it was in '07 they started making their own strings and putting them on their bows.
Buckblaster said:
Do bowtech strings come pre-stretched? Ordered one for my bow due to being cheaper and didnt know. I got the basic brown and green but really wanted colors. If they dont come pre-stretched it guves me another reason to cancel and get a Winners choice of my own colors. What are the differences in these 2 strings?

Many consider Bowtech strings as one of the best peroid. And considered by most the best factory strings by far. I've personally never had a problem with them in the past. They make their own strings in house.

I don't think they've used WC since 02. They have used VT also in the past.
pjridge said:
Buckblaster said:
Do bowtech strings come pre-stretched? Ordered one for my bow due to being cheaper and didnt know. I got the basic brown and green but really wanted colors. If they dont come pre-stretched it guves me another reason to cancel and get a Winners choice of my own colors. What are the differences in these 2 strings?

Many consider Bowtech strings as one of the best peroid. And considered by most the best factory strings by far. I've personally never had a problem with them in the past. They make their own strings in house.

I don't think they've used WC since 02. They have used VT also in the past.
Thanks. More confidence in them now. Most people like them.

I was told they started making their own in '07 or atleast started putting them on their bows then, by my pro shop.

Could be wrong though.