After hunting with an old hoyt fastflight for the past 16 years, I decided that it was time for a change. I went to Gander Mountain in Knoxville intent on buying a Primos/Bear "The Truth." I thought that my mind was solid set, but when I had the associate Jim Orlowske "Griz" set the Truth bow up for me to shoot, he said "I want you to atleast try out this Bowtech Tech Hunter Elite." Long story short, I am now practicing with my New BowTech Tech Hunter Elite. The difference in speed and quietness just blew me away. I only ended up paying $100.00 more for the Bowtech. I feel that I got a great deal with all the accessories (sights, quiver, whisker biscuit, etc...) I got all of this for just over $800.00, where as if I had paid for the name (like Matthews) that wouldn't have even gotten me a naked bow!!!!!
Thanks Bowtech along with Griz @ Gander Mountain