Probably doesn't matter near as much as any of us think (regarding brands),
but "why not" gain a few yards in potential with any of the heavier than lead loads?
(Just shoot whatever you find to pattern well in your gun.)
I'm shooting Federal Heavyweights in #7 and #6.
My chambered shell is a #7 (as I always go for a head shot, or typically just don't take a shot even on a close bird).
"Backup" shells in the magazine are #6.
One of these days, I'll probably start handloading, and that chambered shell will be a #8 or #9 TSS (about 50% heavier than lead).
Still more about the passion of "tinkering" than any need, as I've always enjoyed getting the birds up close. It's much more exciting to kill a big Tom at 10 yards than over 40. "Heavier" than lead loads simply allow for more margin of error when I misjudge that distance. I'm pretty much a close-range turkey hunter despite carrying longer range loads.