Breech plug damage


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Bethpage tn
Was cleaning and putting up my CVA and noticed this. Ever seen this before? Time to replace? It's probably 7-8 years old.
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I never have! I've only shot my CVA wolf a dozen or so times tho. I bought a new breech plug for mine to shoot blackhorn. You can get one from Buds Gun Shop online.
I've got an extra if I can find it. I bought the blackhorn 209 breech plug when I got my gun. The breech plugs are cheap to replace
Email or call cva. They may send you a new one free. I dropped mine, and it bent slightly. Bought a new one and an extra along with a few other items from cvas site, very reasonable pricing if you have to buy a new one.
Not familiar with the model but are you missing an o ring at the bottom as well? If so maybe time for a new one
You are correct...just have always considered it as a smokeless clone and nearly non-corrosive as far as I know compared to all the other subs. It is good stuff
Before I went smokeless I had 2 cva optimas in stainless. If I left either for 2 days after shooting blackhorn it'd leave stains on the muzzle that I couldn't remove. I liked everything about it but you can't leave it any longer than 777 or pyrodex.