
Ed B

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2009
Reaction score
Middle TN
Been awhile since I smoked them and Kroger happened to have them on sale so decided to give it a try and got a couple. Smoked at 215 overnight till internal temp got around 165-170 and wrapped in butcher paper. At that point bumped the temp up to 250 and let them go till 203 internal temp. Turned out fantastic with plenty of moisture and fall apart tender.



How about posting the entire recipe from start to finish. I am a newbie to Brisket and I am ready to give it a try. I just don't know enough about cooking it. Sure looks great to me!!!
I fall in the keep it simple category. I just looked up Meat Church on youtube and followed that recipe. Seasoned with the Meat Church Holy Cow heavily then lightly with Holy Gospel. Put on the smoker about 10pm at 215 degF. Woke up 6am and one was already at 180ish, the other at 160ish. Decided to go ahead and wrap both at that point in butcher paper. Then pulled them off the smoker when they hit 203 degF internal temp. At that point I wrapped them in foil, still in the butcher paper, but just to keep it from making a mess. Wrapped in a couple towels and tossed in a cooler for 4-5 hours of rest prior to slicing...firm believer in resting as long as possible, even at 5 hours the internal temp was still 175ish so plenty safe. The one that cooked faster held together better when slicing, the slower cooking one was definitely more tender. Both turned out fantastic.

I typically shy away from brisket due to the cost but glad I gave it another try.
Looks great! I've never tried cooking it. I got two from the butcher last week. I will give your method a try.
Been awhile since I smoked them and Kroger happened to have them on sale so decided to give it a try and got a couple. Smoked at 215 overnight till internal temp got around 165-170 and wrapped in butcher paper. At that point bumped the temp up to 250 and let them go till 203 internal temp. Turned out fantastic with plenty of moisture and fall apart tender.
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Couple quick questions - I may be doing brisket this weekend. 1) You said you smoked overnight - about how many hours did that take to get to 165 internal? 2) After wrapping, about how long until internal temp got to 203 internal?

Thank you, Ed!
Couple quick questions - I may be doing brisket this weekend. 1) You said you smoked overnight - about how many hours did that take to get to 165 internal? 2) After wrapping, about how long until internal temp got to 203 internal?

Thank you, Ed!

I'd guess 8-9 hours to get to 165. My smoker definitely has a warmer and cooler side to it hence why one was faster than the other. I want to say I wrapped them at like 6:30am (put on at around 9:45pm the night before). The first one came off at around 10am (ish) and the second one took till just after noon. I sliced the first around 3pm and second one at 5:30pm, meat candy is the best description I have for the results.

I'd say all those times can vary greatly depend on how you trim and just the different cuts of meat, always recommend a temp probe.

This is the one I followed.
I'd guess 8-9 hours to get to 165. My smoker definitely has a warmer and cooler side to it hence why one was faster than the other. I want to say I wrapped them at like 6:30am (put on at around 9:45pm the night before). The first one came off at around 10am (ish) and the second one took till just after noon. I sliced the first around 3pm and second one at 5:30pm, meat candy is the best description I have for the results.

I'd say all those times can vary greatly depend on how you trim and just the different cuts of meat, always recommend a temp probe.

This is the one I followed.

Thanks, Ed. I've watched him a lot, particularly with smoked chicken and pork butts. Appreciate it!
Looks great, I like the SuckleBusters 1836 rub on any thing beef, last 1 I did had the best flavor of any I have done, $$ keeps me from doing them as often as I would like too lol. all of the SB rubs I have tried have been great so far, Rural King carry's them in Knoxville so suspect most of the do.

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