BSK trail cam ?


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Nov 19, 1999
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Got a buddy that is going today to buy another camera.

Under $200 what camera should he buy?
Obviously I'm not BSK but I've been running about 10 Moultrie Blackflash cameras and have had 0 issues. Little grainey sometimes but for $150 I can't complain and the ones from last year are still going strong... Just my 2 cents
I'm a Moultrie guy but I recently purchased a Covert MP6. I paid $150 and it takes great pics, I have no complaints. And will be buying more of them in the future ..
Nealmeally said:
I'm a Moultrie guy but I recently purchased a Covert MP6. I paid $150 and it takes great pics, I have no complaints. And will be buying more of them in the future ..
x2. We got two of the MP6 Black (black flash model) for $150 each on Ebay. They come with a one year warranty and you can buy an additional year of warranty for about 12 dollars. And, I heard (read) BSK saying positive things about he Coverts on another similar thread.
I just got a cover black 60 for $190 on ebay, after reading covert reviews on here. I haven't had enough time to form an opinion on it, but at about 1/3 the price of the reconyx black flash, it's off to a good start.
Right now, I would have to recommend the Covert Black 60. Although I believe the Moultries have improved dramatically, I'm worried about the audible "clunk" I've been hearing about when their IR filter arm moves over the camera's lens. That's a very bad thing to have. Deer hear it and avoid the camera. In fact, I think audible filter-arm noise is worse than a visible flash when it comes to producing camera avoidance by deer.
For what it's worth, I have a few Moultrie M-990i cameras. I've played with them a good bit and haven't heard any audible "clunk" noise that BSK described. I'm certainly not saying that he doesn't know what he's talking about, but I haven't had any issues out of mine and I haven't had any pictures of spooked deer.

For the price on Amazon I'm very satisfied with them.
My moultrie 990i's I have a couple of issues with them. One is the battery life is only about half as good as my 880's and early morning or late evenings when it's still light out the inferred kicks in. In which of course are not as good as daylight pics. I have 2 of them and they both have the same issues.
Nyper said:
For what it's worth, I have a few Moultrie M-990i cameras. I've played with them a good bit and haven't heard any audible "clunk" noise that BSK described. I'm certainly not saying that he doesn't know what he's talking about, but I haven't had any issues out of mine and I haven't had any pictures of spooked deer.

For the price on Amazon I'm very satisfied with them.

I extremely pleased to hear this Nyper. And by the way, I never said the i990 has the clunk; other people say their "new" Moultries have a very audible clunk, but they never gave the model number.
bbuck14 said:
My moultrie 990i's I have a couple of issues with them. One is the battery life is only about half as good as my 880's and early morning or late evenings when it's still light out the inferred kicks in. In which of course are not as good as daylight pics. I have 2 of them and they both have the same issues.

Black flash takes considerably more power than red-glow flash does, hence battery life will definitely be shorter. In fact, that's one of the big technological issues with producing a good black-flash camera--power consumption and battery life.
BSK said:
And by the way, I never said the i990 has the clunk; other people say their "new" Moultries have a very audible clunk, but they never gave the model number.

Understood... I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. :)
bbuck14 said:
... early morning or late evenings when it's still light out the inferred kicks in. In which of course are not as good as daylight pics. I have 2 of them and they both have the same issues.

I don't seem to have that issue either. They do switch, but to me, they switch at the right time. If they didn't switch, the shutter would have to stay open longer to gather more light and you would wind up with blurry pictures.

Just curious - did you update the firmware that is available on the Moultrie website? I don't know if that would help or not.
Every IR and black-flash camera switches to low-light settings (infra-red black-and-white pictures) once light levels get low enough, even while their is light enough to see. That is just the way they work.
BSK said:
bbuck14 said:
My moultrie 990i's I have a couple of issues with them. One is the battery life is only about half as good as my 880's and early morning or late evenings when it's still light out the inferred kicks in. In which of course are not as good as daylight pics. I have 2 of them and they both have the same issues.

Black flash takes considerably more power than red-glow flash does, hence battery life will definitely be shorter. In fact, that's one of the big technological issues with producing a good black-flash camera--power consumption and battery life.

I've got a few with 6000-9000 pictures on the same batteries, still at 70% life