BT Release


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Townsend, TN
I was shooting over at gander mountain the other night and i met one of "those guys".. you know the one that always has a story that is better than yours. Anyways he got to goin on about his fancy back tension. He said that him and all his buddies hunt with bt releases. Now, I guess that is possible, but I don't see any reason why that would be a good idea. :crazy:
I have used a back tension to hunt and shoot with for the last 16 yrs. Not one time have I wished for a "punch" type release. If you practice enough and get to know your equipment shooting back tension isn't any different than any other release.
I get so torn up when a deer walks out that I can guarantee I couldn't get a good shot off with a hinge release. I do use BT to shoot my trigger release for hunting though.
JayMc said:
I get so torn up when a deer walks out that I can guarantee I couldn't get a good shot off with a hinge release. I do use BT to shoot my trigger release for hunting though.

ditto, but I'm like you would end up with a fat lip if I took a bt releas in the woods.
I don't use my Stan to hunt with. I use my Bernie can't punch old faithful. I have used my Carter same old thing before and have put deer in the freezer with it too. Biggest thing is you have to shoot enough to have everything come as second nature. You don't have to think about it. Get a pre shot routine down so you never think about doing it. Then once when you get anchored and the sight is on, just pull and aim, aim,aim. Back tension releases make more sense in hunting than in targets. With an animal you have to make the best shot you can, it is a matter or life or death.
I hunt with a thumb release that I shoot like a bt. But if a deer is in a hurry or something else, I can punch it.

I wouldnt hunt with a back tention becase I would be afraid the difficulty of getting it on my loop would cost me a deer.