Buck 140 crossed Mississippi 4x in 2 years, interesting Field and Stream article

Deer do amazing things. And deer along major river systems seem to have the oddest patterns of all.
This will be interesting.
The Deer Lab has finished their study on Buck #140, but they encouraged hunters to shoot the deer if they saw him so they could gather more information. Buck #140 spent winters in a CWD management zone, and if the deer is found to test positive, researchers will have strong proof that whitetails can spread the disease over distance.

18 mile range can have far reaching implications when it comes to the spread of CWD, and if the Mississippi river can't stop it, the rest don't have a chance.
MSU Deer Lab performs some absolutely fascinating studies and I really enjoy their podcast where they share allot of what they have learned....what's amazing to me is how some bucks feel the need to travel long distance while others absolutely do not....many years we will have pictures of mature bucks throughout the year...in velvet and hard horn...then other bucks we only get a few pics of then they disappear... sometimes to never be seen again and sometimes they reappear months later....as for buck #140 in the article...18 mIles...wow!....I'd love to truly understand why certain bucks do what they do.
Love the MSU Deer Lab (and the stories/research done by others like UGA and Penn State). There's a really good NDA podcast episode from this past Summer with a rep from the MSU Deer Lab. Every Spring a buck would leave MS, swim across the Mississippi River into LA for the Summer and then would swim back across to MS come Fall.