Bucks Grunting


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
springfield tn
This tear has been a banner year for me. I'm already done hunting bucks. I have NEVER seen so many bucks where I hunt of all shapes and sizes. The big thing I've noticed is all of the bucks grunting. It has been unreal. The buck i shot on opening morning was literally growling and roaring. It was insane! I loved every moment of it. The scrapes have been awesome. I've got lots of cool pics and video. Have yall noticed any increased activity I mean more than usual?
Scrapes and rubs are less than normal in our area but I have had the opportunity to hear bucks grunting multiple times this year...also seen multiple chases and actually watched a younger buck mount a doe during the second week of muzzleloader....so seeing deer every sit and seeing multiple bucks cruising...even let a couple of nice bucks walk....just hadn't seen either of the mature bucks we have pics of yet.
This tear has been a banner year for me. I'm already done hunting bucks. I have NEVER seen so many bucks where I hunt of all shapes and sizes. The big thing I've noticed is all of the bucks grunting. It has been unreal. The buck i shot on opening morning was literally growling and roaring. It was insane! I loved every moment of it. The scrapes have been awesome. I've got lots of cool pics and video. Have yall noticed any increased activity I mean more than usual?
Plenty of scrapes,rubs, and chasing in Blount Co. I've not heard any grunts though.
Have yall noticed any increased activity I mean more than usual?
In the drought-ravaged areas of western Middle TN, the least amount of sign and activity as I've seen in 15 years. However, things really picked up in the last week, and suddenly scrapes everywhere. But virtually no rubs at all. But again, that is all a result of the drought, which destroyed the local acorn crop. Sign-making (rubs and scrapes) are tightly linked to acorn production in hardwood forest environments. Big acorn crops mean lots of extra energy to burn and bucks make lots of sign. Poor acorn crops mean bucks have little excess energy to burn and they make much less sign.
In the drought-ravaged areas of western Middle TN, the least amount of sign and activity as I've seen in 15 years. However, things really picked up in the last week, and suddenly scrapes everywhere. But virtually no rubs at all. But again, that is all a result of the drought, which destroyed the local acorn crop. Sign-making (rubs and scrapes) are tightly linked to acorn production in hardwood forest environments. Big acorn crops mean lots of extra energy to burn and bucks make lots of sign. Poor acorn crops mean bucks have little excess energy to burn and they make much less sign.
Man BSK you are a wealth of knowledge and are very much appreciated here. Our acorns here in robertson co are fair. Nothing like years past. One thing going for me is the field I hunt over still has standing beans. I think the combination of food and cover helps greatly.
One of many scrapes on the edge of the beans.


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Saw young six chasing in roan co Thursday. Young bucks pushing does in Loudon Friday . An 2an1/2 year old checking scrapes in Meigs sat morn . Then every thing went silent
The action has been none existent this year only very small bucks and a few does not sure what has happened. I've searched many areas only to find very little sign almost seems as the buck are gone no scrapes rubs nothing. Makes it hard to get out and go but this time of year anything can happen at anytime. There is a lot of hunting pressure where I live and hunt and there are acorns on every ridge and hollow no lack of food just the lack of seeing many deer. Maybe something will turn up soon.
Man BSK you are a wealth of knowledge and are very much appreciated here. Our acorns here in robertson co are fair. Nothing like years past. One thing going for me is the field I hunt over still has standing beans. I think the combination of food and cover helps greatly.
When it comes to sign-making, food quantity AND quality are key.