Bucks2Beards Archery shoot August 11-12

They are in Old Fort, TN...in Polk County. Right close to the TN/GA line. If you've never been there before, they put on a really great shoot. It was the site of the 2012 ASA TN State Championship...hope it's the site of the 2013 one as well. The only problem is if you've never been there before, it is kind of hard to find. It's out in the country a little bit off the beaten path.

The way I go, is to come in off Hwy 411. I always come from the north, like I'm heading to Georgia via 411...just after you pass the little community of Old Fort, you will start looking for a road sign on the right that says Browder Road....turn onto it and keep straight. You'll come to a stop sign...keep going straight. You'll pass by a little low swampy area where there is usually water on the road, and then the shoot driveway is just up a small hill from that, on the right.

They have better directions on their website.......www.bucks2beards.com
Most of them are about done for the year...most clubs will have one more shoot this month and then they are over til about January.

B2B will be having two this month.

Try www.3Dshoots.com to look for shoots in your area. Not ALL of them are on there but you can maybe find one close to you.
Our August 25-26 shoot will be a 25 target hunting course ..with a full grill of burgers and hotdogs for sale .It will be a good time for sure !!

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