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Busted all morning


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2009
Hartsville, Tennessee
Ever had one of those mornings. Nothing goes right. First I was walking in late. 5:15 am. Walked across the field and set up on woods edge. Of course I sat up right under the birds. Hens were extremely active in the trees. I could tell some of it was nervousness. Had two gobblers right above me as well. Gobbled about 5 times each. Hens left roost and flew way down hill. I did a fly down and flapped and got the hens real hot. i had not called at all. I figured these birds must have seen coming in. Well I waited full well knowing the gobblers were still up there. Patience got the best of me so I soft yelped. Well...I sounded like crap. The whole bunch knew it too. Everyone shut up and eventually they all flew down to bottom. Well, I was just sitting there and I then here the sound ya dont want to hear. An alarm putt 30 yards behind me. Caught a glimpse of a gobbler running off. BUSTED!!!!! Got to love it.
It happens to the best of us!

I walked right under a roost Sunday and it was still pretty dark... they didn't have it and all flew off. I was about to think the coyotes were coming after me until I figured out what happened.
Yeah to me anymore... that is a part of the season. It will happen to me at least a couple times before the season ends. I try to get within a 150 yards of where I seen them roost.. but sometimes I think the bird limb hop during the last light or something?? LOL

Good luck, stay after'em

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