Butch showed he has a pair...

Really? Kicking a kid off of the team for punching a girl in the mouth doesn't prove "he has a pair". It just shows he did what's right.
I totally agree he did the right thing, but as I mentioned in the general post. Do you really think if it would have been Jalen Hurd that he would have kicked him off? Now I agree it might be a little harder after the whole Ray Rice deal, but if it wouldn't have been for that I'm just not so sure
darn2ten said:
I totally agree he did the right thing, but as I mentioned in the general post. Do you really think if it would have been Jalen Hurd that he would have kicked him off?
I am not going to try to guess what Butch would have done if it was Jalen Hurd, or any of the first stringers, I am just glad he did what he did with this player.
I know we joke about college football and just have fun with it but I'm beginning to think some of you guys have lost your minds. It's one thing to be suspended for team rules (late for meeting and practice). It's another thing to assault and individual (female) and commit a crime.

Yes, he should of been kicked off the team no matter what his last name is or what team he played for. Butch did do the right thing. Does every coach do this.... No. I'm betting after the Ray Rice incident that college coaches will step up and do the right thing now.

Carry on.... I will stick to picking scores... :)
I truly think most schools would have dismissed him. Florida, Bama, any of them would probably have done the same thing. FSU, I'm not sure about, though. Winston, has broken his share of laws, and was benched for a game. Go figure...
gator-n-buck said:
I know we joke about college football and just have fun with it but I'm beginning to think some of you guys have lost your minds. It's one thing to be suspended for team rules (late for meeting and practice). It's another thing to assault and individual (female) and commit a crime.

Yes, he should of been kicked off the team no matter what his last name is or what team he played for. Butch did do the right thing. Does every coach do this.... No. I'm betting after the Ray Rice incident that college coaches will step up and do the right thing now.

Carry on.... I will stick to picking scores... :)
There's not a school out there that Wants to deal with all the bad press if they didn't do this with all the crap that is going on in the NFL.