Cabelas kickstand users


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Moss, Tennessee
I'm going to post a couple of pictures. If one of y'all don't care and have you vest handy to check or know off hand, could you tell me if my seat straps are routed the correct way. I bought this vest last year and love it, except for one thing, how the seat does. I don't know if I have my straps two tight, if someone messed with it at the store, or if they are just supposed to be this way. It's my understanding the seat is made to flip down. Well every time mine flips down, the straps are over the kickstand legs and they can't fold out. I have to reach back and pull the straps out around the legs to let them be able to fold out. While annoying, I don't guess it's that big of a deal. As long as I remember to do it before I sit down. When I stand back up, that's another story. Where the seat straps are stretchy, it wants to shoot up in between the legs and the back of the vest. Making it impossible for the legs to fold up. With the straps being stretchy, and my arms being short. I can't pull the seat down enough to get the legs shut or to pull the straps back over the legs. Which they have to do to let the seat flip back up. I almost always have to take the vest off. That's is something I am done with. Something is going to give somewhere. I know it may be hard to exactly understand what I'm saying but maybe I explained it good enough.

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I've been using one of these for years now since they first came out, but may be tomorrow before I can get it out and review.

There is a learning curve to using it efficiently, and I've never been able to "put it back up" as quickly as it can be "deployed". I often don't put it back up correctly, sometimes just fastening one or two of the clips (instead of all 3), as about the only way you'll quickly do it right, is to take off the vest. It's reasonably comfortable, but the big appeal is the light weight, easy to carry. But no where near the comfort of a "turkey lounger" (which is relatively heavy, a pain to carry).

The kick-stand seat is more comfortable than just a cushion on the ground,
as it gets you a little higher off that ground, and does have a "back" (and a decent cushion).

One thing you should know:

You cannot use this vest (with kickstand attached) in conjunction with a chair, stool, or turkey lounger. Anytime I know I'm going to sit a long time, I prefer the "turkey lounger", which I do not use with any cushion. So if I'm carrying a turkey lounger, have to take off that "kick-stand" (and cushion). It's very easy to remove the kick-stand/cushion from the vest, but a bit more involved to later get it back on correctly. Keep in mind I'm talking about totally removing it as opposed to simply using it as it is intended.

My main complaint is when I start out a day using the turkey lounger, am a long way from the house (or truck), then decide to be more mobile, don't want to carry that turkey lounger, but now don't have the kick-stand with me, since it's too much to be carrying it and a turkey lounger. That puts me back to having nothing but a turkey vest, and typically for me, not even a cushion.

The kick-stand itself is very lightweight, but if not properly attached to the vest, it's a big square piece of aluminum --- no good way to carry otherwise --- and it will bang & clang. Attached with the cushion, it works pretty much as advertised.
I want to keep the kickstand in the vest. I have a couple of farms where it seems like it's impossible to find a good tree. I used the vest all of last season and like it all. Except how the seat does.

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