Well-Known Member
I'm going to post a couple of pictures. If one of y'all don't care and have you vest handy to check or know off hand, could you tell me if my seat straps are routed the correct way. I bought this vest last year and love it, except for one thing, how the seat does. I don't know if I have my straps two tight, if someone messed with it at the store, or if they are just supposed to be this way. It's my understanding the seat is made to flip down. Well every time mine flips down, the straps are over the kickstand legs and they can't fold out. I have to reach back and pull the straps out around the legs to let them be able to fold out. While annoying, I don't guess it's that big of a deal. As long as I remember to do it before I sit down. When I stand back up, that's another story. Where the seat straps are stretchy, it wants to shoot up in between the legs and the back of the vest. Making it impossible for the legs to fold up. With the straps being stretchy, and my arms being short. I can't pull the seat down enough to get the legs shut or to pull the straps back over the legs. Which they have to do to let the seat flip back up. I almost always have to take the vest off. That's is something I am done with. Something is going to give somewhere. I know it may be hard to exactly understand what I'm saying but maybe I explained it good enough.
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