Camera pic


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2014
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Checked my camera today and this one is awesome.


  • 03180843.JPG
    53.3 KB · Views: 581

But, that's gonna be tough. Looks like you birds are going nocturnal :D !
I actually checked the camera in the field before I brought it home and noticed that myself. I got it fixed so hopefully ill know exactly that time they are coming and going now. I have a couple others with two strutters in the photo but there to far away to get a good view. Maybe next week Ill have more.
First farm has clover and wheat. The second is a bushhogged crp field, wild grass im guessing
Its crazy to me how different a birds beard is from one area to the other. The first picture is a farm that every bird ive killed has a long skinny beard. The second farm every bird has a nice thick beard. These farms are only about 15 miles apart by the way of the crow.
I bet you're looking forward to April!

Can't speak to what influences beard thickness but regarding length, look at their legs too. A long legged turkey is often a long bearded turkey. Beards on short legged birds are more prone to break off the tips as they feed. Lowcountry SC, coastal GA, and Florida birds are skinny but TALL (maybe an adaptation because of all of the water?). Merrimams on the other hand seem to have way shorter legs (and beards) but it can be rocky out there too which break off beards (vs sand).

Hope you get a crack at'em.