camera security


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2000
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What is the best way to keep the local thief from walking away with your camera? Son put his camera out last week in the middle of a 400 ac farm he has permission to hunt on and when he went to switch out cards today it had grown legs and walked away. Granted he didn't use a cable or chain but would that have helped? He worked hard to buy the camera and when he saves enough to get another we want to try and make sure to keep it.
I go with hiding it.
Camo tape all exterior surfaces. Don't forget the black strap or bungee cord.
Place slightly above eye level.
I try and find a tree that is just slightly back from the trail, not right on it. Use other trunks to obscure, but still leave a good view.
The deeper in the woods the less likely anyone will bother it. I hang mine with smaller leafy limbs behind and beside it so it's concealed, but I also have a retired district game warden that watches the property.
Had that happen before, I guess its part of the risk with running trail cameras though. I'm pretty sure if they want it bad enough no locking mechanism, chain or cable will stop people from stealing it.
lpo1981 said:
Had that happen before, I guess its part of the risk with running trail cameras though. I'm pretty sure if they want it bad enough no locking mechanism, chain or cable will stop people from stealing it.
Beekeeper said:
lpo1981 said:
Had that happen before, I guess its part of the risk with running trail cameras though. I'm pretty sure if they want it bad enough no locking mechanism, chain or cable will stop people from stealing it.

mmmhmmm ive even heard of a small tree being cut down with an ax to get the chained camera off...
I hate to hear it. I had a tree stand and ladder walk off this summer. It was locked on tight. A thief will work harder to steal something that they want, than they would to earn it honestly.
Order the $20 tree mount from gator-n-buck and put it on a camera with a tripod mounting screw. I recommend the bushnell trophy cam. Then take some tree steps with you and set the camera up 8-12 feet in the air.

1. it will be hard to get to and the "thief" will have to return with a ladder
2. the cams are camoflage and they likely won't be seen by the thief.
3. You will likely get a picture of the unaware "thief"
i've not had one stolen yet. i did buy one of those boxes because i received a gander gift card. I took my dewalt and drove lag bolts through the box into the tree, but like has been mentioned if someone wants it bad enough they'll get it.
MUP said:
I like the idea of putting it back out, and putting a smaller, more discreet one up high, trained on the other one to catch the sorry low down scum thief. :)

I was thinking the same thing. Put out a cheap flash cam and then put a black flash up high. Busted!
lpo1981 said:
Had that happen before, I guess its part of the risk with running trail cameras though. I'm pretty sure if they want it bad enough no locking mechanism, chain or cable will stop people from stealing it.
Yep, may want to try writing "Thou shalt not steal" Exodus 20:15 on it with a Sharpee. Might deter the thief and if he's got any conscience at all and takes it, might make it miserable for him to use it.
He said if he gets another one he is going to engrave on the side, "DO NOT BUY, THIS CAMERA IS STOLEN"
Actually, the DO NOT BUY ThIS CAMERA IS STOLEN is a pretty good idea. I believe it would actually discourage a thief. My concern would be he would then smash the camera.