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Can anybody help me out?????


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2008
Decherd, TN
I know it's been brought up several times lately, but can anybody give me a little advice as to what tricks you can use to kill a turkey when they won't gobble. I went both mornings and only heard 2 gobblers all weekend. I never could get on one. I finally saw one yesterday morning in a field strutting around, but he never once gobbled. I eased around to where he was heading to cut him off and called some to no prevail. He finally gobbled one time at a crow flying over and he had somehow made it around me through the woods to the next field and when I tried to move to get back closer to him I obviously misjudged where he was at and saw him running away at about 50 yards. He never once gobbled at my calling in the 20-30 minutes I was in range of him though. I don't know if I was doing something wrong or if that's just the way it goes sometimes. Anyway, I know this ain't much info to give good advice to, but I'm open to any and all suggestions. :)
Sometimes they are just that way.

But when they are not vocal, a decoy in a field you know they are using and occasional calling (very little - just a few clucks and purrs)can sometimes bring a bird in to investigate.

They may come in silent. I know, I hate that too.
I was thinking the entire time that it would probably have been a good idea to bring the decoys for the situation I was in. Of course, I left them at the house for that hunt. :D

DANG! I don't reckon anybody else knows anything.........Or else it ain't just the turkey's that ain't talkin

I guess everyone is in the political forum or something. :confused:
just sit tight and do very little calling when you see that it is not working try to move around to another location to call from and sometimes there is just nothing you can do except keep going, don't give up, and you will finally run into a bird that wants to cooperate

it not much but that is what i do, i might go 10 or 12 days in a row with no luck and be madder than crap but all the sudden like i kill 2 birds in 2 days

if they are not gobbling the best thing is to just sit and listen or walk real slow through the woods calling, if you do that enough it will pay off sometime or another

good luck
Two different styles of turkey hunting for me: First, when they are gobbling going the other way, I move to cut them off when the terrain allows this. Second, I hunt areas I know have birds around. If they aren't gobbling I don't move. Just stay put and light calls. I think as turkey hunters,most of us are looking at our watches hoping the birds will just flock to us in an hour or less, but that seldom happens. Patience is the name of the game. I can't count the number of times I haven't heard gobble one all morning, get ready to get up and get busted by one sneaking in. It's really funny looking back at a lot of near misses.

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